Wednesday 31/12/08
"Last WOD of 2008"
3 mins XFT/Row
8 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
8 Kettlebell Swings
8 Wall ball Shots
8 Push Press
4 Rounds for Time
You must do two of each XFT and Row
Record how far you get in each 3 mins
Scale weight as required
W.O.D. Sat 1st Nov
"A lot of BS"
Row 333m
27 reps KBS
9 reps WBS
Row 666m
18 reps KBS
18 reps WBS
Row 999m
9 reps KBS
27 reps WBS
Row 666m
18 reps KBS
18 reps WBS
Row 333m
27 reps KBS
9 reps WBS
Just a quick congrats to Barry Ross and his wife Helen,
who gave birth to the newest Ross family member - Amy - yesterday.