Thursday, 31 December 2009

"Thursday WOD"

Thursday 31/12/09

"A Hell Of A Way To End The Year"
200 mtr Row - 10 Push ups
200 mtr Row - 10 Sit ups
200 mtr Row - 10 Squats
200 mtr Row - 10 Back Ext
200 mtr Row - 10 Pull ups
75 Power Clean & Push Press
10 Pull ups - 200 mtr XFT
10 Back Ext - 200 mtr XFT
10 Squats - 200 mtr XFT
10 Sit ups - 200 mtr XFT
10 Push ups - 200 mtr XFT
Men 45 kg - Ladies 27.5 kg
Scale as required

"Wednesday WOD"

Wednesday 30/12/09
60 secs work - 60 secs rest
1) 30 secs Step ups - 30 secs Step ups
2) 30 secs Sit ups - 30 secs Squats
3) 30 secs KBS - 30 DB Push Press
4) 30 secs Reverse Sit ups - 30 secs Push ups
5) 60 secs of the Plank
6) 30 secs Back Ext - 30 Secs DB HP CL Push Press
7) 30 secs DB Snatch R - 30 secs DB Snatch L
8) 30 secs Burpees - 30 secs SDHP
9) 30 secs Step ups - 30 secs DB Thrusters
10) 60 secs BB Disc Waiter Hold
Record your combined reps for each pair of exercises
Total up to get a score
Score a zero for the 60 sec rounds
Deduct 20 if you touch down during the Plank or have to put the disc down during the Waiter Hold

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

"Tuesday WOD"

Tuesday 29/12/09
"It's All Big Jim's Fault"
500 mtr Row(Optional)
50 Sit ups
25 DB Snatch R/L 17.5/10 kg
25 Pull ups
50 Squats
25 Push ups
50 Alt Leg V Sits
25 Push ups
50 Squats
25 Pull ups
25 DB Snatch R/L 17.5/10 kg
50 Sit ups
500 mtr XFT(Optional)
Scale up or down as required

Monday, 28 December 2009

"Monday WOD"

Monday 28/12/09
"Monday WOD"
800 mtr Row
10 DB Bench Press 25/15 kg
10 KBS 24/16 kg
10 CTB Pull ups
AMRAP in 20 mins
Scale up or down as required

Sunday, 27 December 2009

"Sunday WOD"

Sunday 27/12/09
"The Kidsy"
10 Power Clean & Push Press
5 Rounds of Cindy
1000 mtr Row
5 rounds of Cindy
10 Power clean & Push Press
Men 40 kg - Ladies 25 kg
Scale up or down as required

Thursday, 24 December 2009

"Thursday WOD"

Thursday 24/12/09
" It Came From A Gym Down Under"
1 Rep of each x 7
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Back Push Press
250 mtr Row

AMRAP in 20 mins
Men 40 kg - Ladies 25 kg

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

"Wednesday WOD"

Wednesday 23/12/09
"Wednesday WOD"
1000 mtr Row
50 Air Squats
40 DB push Press 15 kg
30 Alt leg Lunge
20 WBS 9 kg
10 DB SH Press 15 kg
10 Burpees
20 KTE's
30 MB Squat Cleans 9 kg
40 Sit ups
50 Air Squats
1000 mtr XFT
Scale up or down as required

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

"Tuesday WOD"

Tuesday 22/12/09
"Tuesday WOD"
500 mtr Row
30 Situps
10 Push ups
750 mtr Row
20 Sit ups
20 Push ups
1000 mtr Row
10 Sit ups
30 Push ups
750 mtr Row
20 Sit ups
20 Push ups
500 mtr Row
30 Sit ups
10 Push ups
For time

Monday, 21 December 2009

"Monday WOD"

Monday 21/12/09
"Monday WOD"
21 - 15 - 09
KBS 24 kg
DB Push Press 15 kg
1000 mtr Row
09 - 15 - 21
KB SDHP 24 kg
DB Hang Squat Clean 15 kg
Scale up or down as required

Sunday, 20 December 2009

"Kev's Sunday Session"

Sunday 20/12/09
"Freddy C Variation"
21 - 15 - 09
DB Push Press
1000 mtr Row
09 - 15 - 21
DB Push Press
Men 24/17.5 kg - Ladies 16/10 kg
Scale up or down as required

Saturday, 19 December 2009

"Saturday WOD"

Saturday 19/12/09
"The Twelve Days of Christmas"
1 Burpee
200 mtrs
3 Push ups
4 Pull ups
5 MB Sit ups
6 Squats
7 Sit ups
9 Alt Leg Lunges
10 Back Extensions
11 HPCL & PP
400 mtr Row

Follow as you would the song

Thursday, 17 December 2009

"Thursday & Friday WOD's"

Thursday & Friday 17th & 18/12/09
AMRAP in 20 mins
5 Pull ups
5 Bench Dips
12 Push ups
12 KBS
"P A C E"
Practice Apply Commit Excel
AMRAP in 20 mins
10 Pull ups
15 Deadlift
20 Bar Jumps
25 Sit ups
Deadlift use Bodyweight or 50% of 1RM

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

"Wednesday WOD's"

Wednesday 16/12/09


Team Wod
Row/XFT + 25 Reps of
400 mtrs + Sit ups
400 mtrs + Back Ext
400 mtrs + Push ups
400 mtrs + Pull ups
400 mtrs + Squats
400 mtrs + Good mornings
400 mtrs + Shoulder Press
400 mtrs + Alt Leg Lunges
400 mtrs + Overhead Squat
400 mtrs + K B S

In teams of two, each must complete the 400 mtrs before moving on to the next exercise

Use empty bars for BB exercises and your normal KB for the swings


20 WBS

15 Box Step each leg

10 Knees To Elbows

05 Burpees

AMRAP in 20 mins

20" for Box Step

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

"Tuesday WOD"

Tuesday 15/12/09
"Row! Grace. Row!"
Row 1000 mtrs
30 Power Clean & Push Press/Jerk
Row 1000 mtrs
Men 60 kg - Ladies 37.5 kg

Monday, 14 December 2009

Monday's WOD's

Monday 14/12/09
"The Long Christine"
5 Rounds
500 mtr Row
12 BW/50% of your 1RM Deadlift
21 Box Jumps 20"
Make a note of your time for 3 Rounds and at completion of the 5th
Scale box height up or down as required
Sub box steps for box jumps
DU's/Skips x 3 - 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Bench Sit ups -- 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Box Steps 20" - 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Push ups ------ 25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 05
Pull ups ------- 25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 05
Scale Bench/Box height as required

Saturday, 12 December 2009

"Saturday & Sunday WOD"

Saturday 12th & Sunday 13/12/09
"The Twelve Days of Christmas"
1 Burpee
200 mtrs
3 Push ups
4 Pull ups
5 MB Sit ups
6 Squats
7 Sit ups
9 Alt Leg Lunges
10 Back Extensions
11 HPCL & PP
400 mtr Row
Follow as you would the song

Friday, 11 December 2009

"Fridays WOD,s"

Friday 11/12/09
"10 to 1"
WBS 9 kg
Sit ups
DB HPCL & PP 17.5 kg
Push ups
Pull ups
Start with 10 reps of each , then 9 reps, 8 reps all the way down to 1 rep of each
Scale up or down as required
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Double Unders
Sit ups
Box Step ups 20"

Thursday, 10 December 2009

"Thursday WOD"

Thursday 10/12/09
10 Power Clean & Push Press/Jerk
5 Rounds of Cindy
10 Power Clean & Push Press/Jerk
5 Rounds of Cindy
10 Power Clean & Push Press/Jerk
If your still feeling frisky do a further
5 Rounds of Cindy
Record your time for the Standard Grindy and the extended version
Men 60 kg - Ladies 37.5 kg
Scale as required

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

"Wednesday's WOD's"

Wednesday 09/12/09
9 x 1min Rows with 1 min recovery
Go as hard as you can on each one
Record the mtrs rowed on each row
"Seeing Double"
400 mtr Row
15 Pull ups
400 mtr Row
15 DB Push Press 17.5 kg
400 mtr Row
15Box Jumps 20"
400 mtr Row
DB Thrusters 15 kg
Row a further 400 mtrs and then repeat the routine in reverse
Scale up or down as required
Wod 3
05 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
AMRAP in 20 mins

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

"Tuesday WOD'"

Tuesday 08/12/09
On the min every min for upto 20 mins
Complete 1 rep of deadlift
Men add 5 kg every min
Ladies add 2.5 kg every min
Keep going for upto 20 mins or until you fail to make the lift
Start at 45 % of your 1RM

Monday, 7 December 2009

"Monday WOD's"

Monday 07/12/09
"K K K"
21 - 15 - 09
Russian KBS 24 kg
S D H P 24 kg
SAP CL & Press DB or KB R & L 15/16 kg
Americam KBS 24 kg
DB or KB Thruster 15/16 kg
Scale up or down as required
21 - 15 - 09
W B S 9 kg
Box Jumps 20"
Push ups
Sit ups (MB optional)
Pull ups
Scale as required

Sunday, 6 December 2009

"Kev's Sunday Session"

Sunday 06/12/09
"Kev's Sunday Session"
400 mtr ROW
10 WBS 9 kg
15 Pull ups
20 Back Extensions
AMRAP in 20 mins
Scale as required

Saturday, 5 December 2009

"Saturday WOD"

Saturday 05/12/09
"Wacky Races"
Team WOD alternating each exercise
25 Sit ups
250 mtr Row
15 DB Bench Press
AMRAP in 25 mins
Men 20 kg - Ladies 12.5 kg
Scale up or down as required

Friday, 4 December 2009

"Friday WOD"

Friday 04/12/09
Team WOD
In teams of two alternate each exercise
Row (Calories) - 21 - 18 - 15
MB SQ CL & P - 21 - 18 - 15
Bench Hops 18" - 42 - 36 - 30
MB Sit ups(LRC) - 21 - 18 - 15
DB Push Press - 21 - 18 - 15
2 Rounds
If done as an individual complete 1 round
DB Push Press Men 15 kg - Ladies 10 kg
Med Balls Men 9 kg - Ladies 5 kg
Scale up or down as required

Thursday, 3 December 2009

"Thursday WOD's"

Thursday 03/12/09
5 Rounds with 3 mins rest between rounds
20 Pull ups
30 Push ups
40 Sit ups
50 Squats
Go absolutely flat out on each round
Team WOD
In teams of two alternate each exercise
21 - 15 - 09
Row (cals)
DB Step ups 19" (use same DB's as DB Press)
Med Ball Sit ups
DB Push Press 15 kg
Bench Hops (each side)
2 Rounds
If done as an individual complete one round

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

"Wednesday WOD's"

Wednesday 02/12/09
Team WOD
In teams of two complete both exercises and all distances
Row - 1000 - 800 - 600 - 400 - 200
XFT - 1000 - 800 - 600 - 400 -200
If you finish your exercise before your team mate
Continue with Step ups until they catch up
4 Rounds
60 Step ups 15" - 19"
21 Squats
21 Sit ups
21 Pull ups

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

"Tuesday WOD"

Tuesday 01/12/09
5 Rounds
1 Power Snatch
3 Overhead Squat
x 5 Reps
400 mtrs
Men 42.5 kg - Ladies 25 kg
Scale up or down as required

Monday, 30 November 2009

"Monday WOD's"

Monday 30/12/09
400 mtrs
20 Back Squat
600 mtrs
15 Back Squat
800 mtrs
10 Back Squat
1000 mtrs
05 Back Squat
Use 65 - 70 % of 1RM
Box Steps 20" may be used at 12 steps per 100 mtrs
Rounds in 20 mins
25 sit ups
30 Box Steps 15 - 19"
15 DB Bench Press
Men 20 kg - Ladies 10 kg
Scale up or down as required

Sunday, 29 November 2009

"Kev's Sunday Session"

Sunday 29/11/09
"Kev's Sunday Session"
3 Rounds
21 SAP Snatch L
21 Pull ups
21 SAP Snatch R
21 Pull ups
21 Air Squats
300 mtrs
3 Rounds
21 SASQ Snatch L
21 L Pull ups
21 SASQ Snatch R
21 L Pull ups
Men 15 kg - Ladies 10 kg
Scale as required

Saturday, 28 November 2009

"Saturday WOD"

Saturday 28/11/09
5 Rounds for time
250 mtrs
15 KBS 16 kg - 24 kg
15 Push ups
15 MB LRC Sit ups 5 kg - 9 kg
15 BB Push Press 25 kg - 40 kg
Team version in two's alternate each exercise
Rounds in 20 mins
Scale as required

Friday, 27 November 2009

"Friday WOD's"

Friday 27/11/09
"A Lot Of B S"
333 mtrs or 40 Box steps
21 KBS
09 MB SQ/CL & Press
666 mtrs or 80 Box Steps
18 KBS
18 MB SQ/CL & Press
333 mtrs or 40 Box Steps
09 KBS
27 MB SQ/CL & Press
666 mtrs
18 KBS
18 MB SQ/CL & Press
333 mtrs
27 KBS
09 MB SQ/CL & Press
Box Height 16 - 20 "
KBS Men 24 kg - Ladies 16 kg
Scale as required
"B W Buster"
Rounds in 20 mins
21 DB Push Press 10 kg - 17.5 kg
15 Pull ups
30 Box Steps 15" - 19"
Scale as required

Thursday, 26 November 2009

"Thursday WOD"

Thursday 26/11/09

"B W Buster"

Rounds in 20 mins

21 DB Push press M 17.5 kg/L 10 kg
15 Pull ups
250 mtrs or 30 Box Steps

Scale as required

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

"Wednesday WOD's"

Wednesday 25/11/09
"The Entrance Exam"
Warm up as normal + 6 fast/slow 100's
2000 mtr Row Time Trial
"Whale Oiled Beef Hooked"
10 Rounds
One min work - One min rest
30 secs Deadlift + 30 secs Push ups
Record the combined reps for each round
Total up to get a score
Men 60 kg - Ladies 37.5 kg

Scale as required

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

"Tuesday WOD's"

Tuesday 24/11/09
"More Than Meets The Eye"
10 KBS 24 kg
10 Box Jumps 24"
10 WBS 9 kg
10 Push ups
Rounds in 20 mins
Scale as required
"Fairfax Special"
21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 09
Hang Power Clean
Men 45 kg - Ladies 27.5 kg
Scale as required

Monday, 23 November 2009

"A New Beginning"

Monday 23/11/09
As of today we are now running two different WOD's Mon -Fri
"Whale Oil Beef Hooked"
10 Rounds
One min work - One min rest
30 secs Deadlift + 30 secs Push ups
Record the combined reps for each round
Total up to get a score
Men 60 kg - Ladies 37.5 kg
"Beatdown Variation"
Box Steps :40 - 60 - 80 - 60 - 40
KBS 24 kg :21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 09
Pull ups: 09 - 12 - 15 - 18 - 21
Box step 15" - 19"

Sunday, 22 November 2009

"Kev's sunday WOD"

Sunday 22/11/09
"Kev's Sunday WOD"
Walking Lunges 100 ft each round
Pull ups 21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 09
Situps 21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 09

Saturday, 21 November 2009

"Kilmarnock Rugby Football Club Team WOD"

On saturday afternoon we had 12 members of Kilmarnock Rugby Football Club as visitors and a special WOD was put together as a training session
"Kilmarnock Rugby Football Club Team WOD"
In teams of two alternating each exercise
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins
250 mtr Row
15 KBS 24 kg
15 Push ups
15 Med Ball Sit ups 9 kg
15 BB Push Press 30 - 40 kg
The Session was scaled as required
A Big thanks to Kidsy for bringing his players over and we hope to see you back for another training sesson soon

"The K K K & Then Some"

Saturday 21/11/09
"The K K K & Then Some"
Row/XFT/BST 400m - 500m - 600m
Russian KBS 21 - 15 - 09
S D H P 21 - 15 - 09
SA DB PCL & SH PR R/L 21 - 15 - 09
American KBS 21 - 15 - 09
DB or KB Thruster 21 - 15 - 09
Men KB 24 kg DB 15 kg
Ladies KB 16 kg DB 10 kg
BST 48 - 60 - 72
Scale as required

Friday, 20 November 2009

"Team Wod"

Friday 20/11/09
"Team Wod"
250 mtr Row/XFT
15 Box Jumps 20"
10 Open Handed Deadlift 60% of 1RM
In Teams of two alternate each exercise
10 Rounds for time

Thursday, 19 November 2009

"A Q"

Thursday 19/11/09
"A Q"
Row/XFT/Box Step - 500m - 500m - 500m - 500m - 500m
P/CL & Push Press ---21-----18 -----15 -----12 -----09
Men 50 kg - Ladies 30 kg
60 Reps of Box Step can be subbed for Rower or XFT
Scale up or down as required

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

"Thruster Build"

Wednesday 18/11/09
"Thruster Build"
Warm up sets 1 x 10, 1 x 7, 1 x 5
5 x 5 reps
Try to increase the weight on each set

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

"Cindy's Ugly Big Sister"

Tuesday 17/11/09
"Cindy's Ugly Big Sister"
5 Pull ups
10 Bench Dips
15 Sit ups
Rounds in 15 or 20 or 30 mins
Scale as required

Monday, 16 November 2009

"Jack Attack"

Monday 16/11/09
"Jack Attack"
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 Reps
O H S Men 30kg - Ladies 20 kg
K B S men 24 kg - Ladies 16 kg
Scale as required

Sunday, 15 November 2009

"It's All Neil's Fault"

Sunday 15/11/09
"It's All Neil's Fault"
200 mtrs
30 Box Jumps
30 WBS
400 mtrs
30 Med Ball Sit ups
30 DU's or 90 Skips
200 mtrs
30 KTE's
400 mtrs
30 Burpees
200 mtrs
30 DU's or 90 Skips
30 Med Ball Sit ups
400 mtrs
30 WBS
30Box Jumps
200 mtrs
Use your normal Med Ball or Box height

Saturday, 14 November 2009

"Saturday Suicide"

Saturday 14/11/09
"Saturday Suicide"
15 Hang Power Snatches
21 Pull ups
21 Push ups
21 Squats
400 mtrs
30 Hang Power Snatches
400 mtrs
21 Squats
21 Push ups
21 Pull ups
400 mtrs
15 Hang Power Snatches
Snatches Men 30 kg - Ladies 20 kg
Scale up or down as required

Friday, 13 November 2009

"Friday The 13th"

Friday 13/11/09
"Friday The 13th"
2 min Row
13 Sit ups
2 min XFT
13 Back extensions
2 min Box step
13 Pull ups
2 min Row
13 Good mornings
2 min XFT
13 DB Shoulder Press
2 min Box step
13 OHS
2 min Row
13 WBS
2 min XFT
13 Burpees

Thursday, 12 November 2009

" Son Be A Dentist - Happy Birthday Graham"

Thursday 12/11/09
"Son Be A Dentist - Happy Birthday Graham"
50 WBS 9 kg
50 Pull ups
50 Sit ups
50 Push ups
50 KBS 24 kg
50 Box Jumps 20 "
50 Squats
50 DB Push Press 15 kg
50 Calorie Row
50 Med Ball Power Clean & Push Press 9 kg
Scale as required

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

"Helen - Motivator"

Wednesday 11/11/09
"Helen - Motivator"
In teams of two
Take turns of completing Helen
Take turns of being the Motivator
Push/Encourage each other
400 mtrs
21 KBS
12 Pull ups
3 Rounds
Men 24 kg - Ladies 16 kg

Tuesday, 10 November 2009


Tuesday 10/11/09
Rounds in 20 mins
12 Deadlift
09 Hang Power Clean
06 Push Jerk
Men 60 kg - Ladies 35 kg
Scale as required

Monday, 9 November 2009


Monday 09/11/09
R/R/X - 500m - 750m - 1000m
K B S ---- 21 ---- 15 ---- 09
Squats -- 50 ---- 75 ---- 100
Men 24 kg - Ladies 16 kg
Scale up or down as required

Sunday, 8 November 2009

"Sunday Morning R & D Session"

"Sunday Morning R & D Session"
Reps of each 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Thank you to Sandy & Jennifer for testing out this session

"Saturday & Sunday WOD"

Saturday & Sunday 7th & 8/11/09
"Saturday & Sunday WOD"
3 Laps of Cindy
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
250 mtrs
This combination = 1 Round
Rounds in 20 mins

Friday, 6 November 2009

"Friday Row - Row - Row Your Boat"

Friday 6/11/09
"Friday Row - Row - Row Your Boat"
5 x 500 mtrs
3 mins recovery between rows
28 - 32 SPM
Row @ 2000 mtr pace or faster

Thursday, 5 November 2009

"Neil Says It's easier this Way"

Thursday 5/11/09
"Neil Says It's Easier This Way"
5 Back Thruster
10 KBS
15 MB Sit ups LRC
20 Push ups
250 mtrs
5 Rounds or Rounds in 20 mins
Men 60/32 kg - Ladies 35/16 kg
Scale as required

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

"Squat Build 7 x 3"

Wednesday 4/11/09
"Squat Build 7 x 3"
Warm up sets 1 x 10 - 1 x 6 - 1 x 3
Working sets 1 - 5 try and increase weight each set
Sets 6 & 7 try and maintain or drop down as required

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

"Blackjack - Variation - Robyn"

Tuesday 3/11/09
"Blackjack - Variation - Robyn"
1000 mtrs
21 DB hang Power Clean
21 Push ups
21 Squats
500 mtrs
21 DB Hang Power Clean
21 Push ups
21 Squats
1000 mtrs
21 DB Hang Power Clean
21 Push ups
21 Squats
500 mtrs
Men 15 kg - Ladies 10 kg
Scale as required

Monday, 2 November 2009

"PACE - Practice Apply Commit Excel"

Monday 2/11/09
"PACE - Practice Apply Commit Excel"
10 Pull ups
15 Deadlift
20 Bar Jumps
25 Sit ups
Rounds in 20 mins
Deadlift - Bodyweight/ 55% of 1 RM

Sunday, 1 November 2009

"Nemisis- Variation"

Sunday 1/11/09
"Nemisis - Variation"
KBS------- 21 --15 -- 12 -- 09 -- 06 -- 03
Bench Dips 15 --12 -- 09 -- 06 -- 03 --21
Pull ups--- 12 --09 --06 -- 03 -- 21 -- 15
R/R /XFT 200-200-200-200-200-200
KBS Men 24 kg - Ladies 16 kg
Scale as required

Friday, 30 October 2009

"Oor Christine"

Friday 30/10/09
"Oor Christine"
2 Rounds for time
Single version
200 mtr Row
20 Deadlift
150 mtr Row
15 Deadlift
100 mtr Row
10 deadlift
50 mtr Row
05 Deadlift
2 Rounds for time
Team version
Team of two alternating A and B
---------------R1 - R2
400 mtr Row A - B
20 Deadlift B - A
20 Deadlift A - B
300 mtr Row B - A
15 Deadlift A - B
15 Deadlift B - A
200 mtr Row A - B
10 Deadlift B - A
10 Deadlift A - B
100 mtr Row B - A
05 Deadlift A - B
05 Deadlift B - A
Deadlift use body weight or 50 - 60 % of 1 RM

Thursday, 29 October 2009

" The Marky"

Thursday 29/10/09
"The Marky"
Rounds in 20 mins
280 mtrs
14 OHS
28 Step ups 20"
Men 42.5 kg - Ladies 27.5 kg
Scale as required

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

"5000 mtr Row"

Wednesday 28/10/09
"5000 mtr Row"

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

"Sh/Press - Push Press - Push Jerk"

Tuesday 27/10/09
"Sh/Press - Push Press - Push Jerk"
Shoulder Press: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
Push Press: 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Push Jerk: 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
Try to increase weight each round
On push Jerk concentrate on the technique rather than using a heavy weight

Monday, 26 October 2009

"Buckin Furpees"

Monday 26/10/09
"Buckin Furpees"
800 mtrs - 5 KBS - 5 Pull ups - 5 Burpees
600 mtrs - 10 KBS - 10 Pull ups - 10 Burpees
400 mtrs - 15 KBS - 15 Pull ups - 15 Burpees
200 mtrs - 20 KBS - 20 Pull ups - 20 Burpees
KBS Men 24 kg - Ladies 16 kg
Scale as required

Sunday, 25 October 2009

"Saturday & Sunday WOD"

Saturday 24th & Sunday 25/10/09
"Saturday & Sunday WOD"
200 mtrs R/R/X
10 KBS 24 kg
10 BB Shoulder Press 30 kg
Rounds in 20 mins
Scale as required

Friday, 23 October 2009

"Hard Routine"

Friday 23/10/09
"Hard Routine"
5 Deadlift
5 Power Clean
5 Push Press
500 mtrs
5 Rounds for time
Men 60 kg - Ladies 37.5 kg
Scale up or down as required

Thursday, 22 October 2009


Thursday 22/10/09
Run/Row/XFT 400 - 400 - 400- 400 - 400
Wall Ball Shots 21 --- 18 --- 15 --- 12 --- 09
M/Ball Sit ups - 15 --- 15 --- 15 --- 15 --- 15
Push ups ------ 09 --- 12 --- 15 --- 18 --- 21
Med Ball Men 9 kg - Ladies 5 kg
scale as required
"Happy Birthdat Sandra"

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

"The Norrie"

Wednesday 21/10/09
"The Norrie"
50 Sit ups
25R/25L - S/A Snatch
25 Pull ups
50 Squats
25 Push ups
50 Alt V Sits
25 Push ups
50 Squats
25 Pull ups
25R/25L - S/A Snatch
50 Sit ups
S/A Snatch Men 20 kg - Ladies 12.5 kg
Scale as required

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

"Tuesday WOD"

Tuesday 20/10/09
"Tuesday WOD"
Rounds In 20 mins
250 mtrs
15 Pull ups
Men 42.5 kg - Ladies 27.5 kg

Monday, 19 October 2009

"Monday WOD"

Monday 19/10/09
"Monday WOD"
400 mtrs - 25 Squats
400 mtrs - 20 Squats
400 mtrs - 15 Squats
400 mtrs - 10 Squats
Use Body Weight or 55% of 1 RM

Sunday, 18 October 2009

"Saturday & Sunday Either or WOD"

Sat 17th & Sun 18/10/09
"Saturday & Sunday Either or WOD"
" The Camel"
5 Pull ups
10 Sit ups
15 BB Push Press 40 kg
20 Squats
Rounds in 20 mins
500 mtrs Row
21 Pull ups
21 DB bench Press
500 mtrs XFT
18 Pull ups
18 DB Bench Press
60 Step ups 20"
15 Pull ups
15 DB Bench Press
500 mtrs Run
12 Pull ups
12 DB Bench Press
Men 20 kg - Ladies 12.5 kg
Scale up or down as required

Friday, 16 October 2009

"Friday Frenzy"

Friday 16/10/09
"Friday Frenzy"
One min work of each exercise - 30 secs rest between exercises
Complete 3 rounds - 2 mins rest between rounds
Record your reps for each and total up to get a score
Sit ups(feet held)
Jumping Dips
OHS 7.5 kg
DB Push Press
Bench Hops
Scale as required

Thursday, 15 October 2009

"Thursday WOD"

Thursday 15/10/09
Thursday "WOD"
If you missed Wednesday
Do the Wednesday's"BBC WOD"
500 mtrs R/R/X
21 Pull ups
21 DB Bench Press
500 mtrs R/R/X
15 Pull ups
15 DB Bench Press
500 mtrs R/R/X
09 Pull ups
09 DB Bench Press
Men 20 kg - 12.5 kg
Scale up or down as required

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

"This Is The BBC"

Wednesday 14/10/09
"This Is The BBC"
BB Bear Complex
5 Deadlift
5 Hang Power Clean
5 Front Squat
5 Push Press
5 Back Squat
500 mtrs
BBC x 5 Rounds
400 Mtrs
BBC x 4 Rounds
300 mtrs
BBC x 3 Rounds
200 mtrs
BBC x 2 Rounds
100 mtrs
BBC x 1 Round
Men 42.5 kg - Ladies 25 kg
Scale as required

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

"Tea For Two"

Monday 12/10/09
"Tea For Two"

In Teams of two alternate each exercise for 2 rounds
400 mtrs
Pull ups
Push ups
all for 21 reps
200 mtrs
Pull ups
Push ups all for 15 reps

100 mtrs - SPRINT
Pull ups
Push ups all for 9 reps

Sunday, 11 October 2009

"Kev's Sunday WOD"

Sunday 11/10/09
"Kev's Sunday WOD"
Rounds in 20 mins
250 mtrs R/R/X
15 Back extensions
20 Sit ups
25 Squats

Saturday, 10 October 2009

"St Valentine's Day Massacre Revisited"

Saturday 10/10/09
"St Valentine's Massacre Revisited"
Use 60% of your 1 RM for Deadlift
Deadlift / Row
07 / 300 mtrs
09 / 400 mtrs
11 / 500 mtrs
13 / 600 mtrs
15 / 700 mtrs
17 / 800 mtrs

Friday, 9 October 2009

" The Grinder"

Friday 09/10/09
"The Grinder"
1000 mtrs R/R/X
Followed by
5 Rounds of
10 Pull ups
15 OHS 42.5 kg
20 KBS 24 kg
Followed by
1000 mtrs R/R/X
Scale as required

Thursday, 8 October 2009

"Neil's Fun WOD"

Thursday 08/10/09
"Neil's Fun WOD"
Round -- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5
Sit ups - 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Push ups 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30
Squats - 75 - 60 - 45 - 30 -15
Scale Reps as required

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

"Single Cardio WOD"

Wednesday 07/10/09
"Single Cardio WOD"
5 K Row or Run
If you missed Tuesday
Do Tuesday's WOD
5 x 5 Deadlift Build

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

"Deadlift 5 x 5 Build"

Tuesday 06/10/09
"Deadlift 5 x 5 Build"
Warm up sets 1 x 10 : 1 x 7 : 1 x 4 : 1 x 1
Increase weight each set building up to the weight you intend start your 1 st set of 5(1 x 1)
Working sets 5 x 5
Try to increase weight on each set
Remember: "Heavy Means Heavy"
Technique Cues
1) Stance
2) -- Grip
3) - Shins
4) - Chest
5) -- Pull

Monday, 5 October 2009

"Monday WOD"

Monday 05/10/09
"Monday WOD"
Rounds In 20 Mins
250 mtrs
25 Sit ups
15 BB Shoulder Press
Men 40 kg - Ladies 25 kg
Scale up or down as required

Sunday, 4 October 2009

"Sunday WOD"

Sunday 04/10/09
"Sunday WOD"
Run/Row/XFT - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500
Kettlebell Swing -- 21 -- 18 -- 15 -- 12 --- 09
BB Push Press ---- 09 -- 12 -- 15 -- 18 ---21
Men 37.5 kg - Ladies 22.5 kg
Scale up or down as required

Saturday, 3 October 2009

"Forte Forty"

Saturday 03/10/09
"Forte Forty"
40 Reps of each for time
Box Jumps
Calorie Row/XFT
Back Extension
DB Push Press
Jumping Pull ups
Calorie Row/XFT
Sit ups
Push ups
Use your normal weight or box height

Friday, 2 October 2009

"Friday WOD"

Friday 02/10/09
"Friday WOD"
Optional Extras in Red
"4 Muscle ups"
50 Walking Leg Lunges
20 DB Push Press
40 Step ups/40 Box Jumps
20 Double unders/60 Skips
25 Bench Dips/ 25 Ring Dips
25 Knees To Elbows/25 Floor KTE's
"4 Hand Stand Push ups"
20 DB Shoulder Press
40 KBS
20 Back Extention
50 Air Squats
"4 Rope Climbs"
Use your normal weights for each exercise

Thursday, 1 October 2009

"Thursday WOD"

Thurday 01/10/09
"Thursday WOD"
5 Thrusters
7 Hang Power Cleans
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Rounds In 20 Mins
Men 42.5 kg - Ladies 27.5 kg
Scale up or down as required

Wednesday, 30 September 2009


Wednesday 30/09/09
"Team WOD"
400 mtrs
21 Thrusters
21 pull ups
400 mtrs
15 Thrusters
15 Pull ups
400 mtrs
09 Thrusters
09 Pull ups
2 Rounds
Teams of 2 alternating each exercise
Men 423.5 kg - Ladies 27.5 kg

Tuesday, 29 September 2009


Tuesday 29/09/09
"Met Con WOD"
For Time
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
200 mtrs
21 KBS 24 kg
12 Pull ups
400 mtrs
75 WBS 9 kg
400 mtrs
12 Pull ups
21 KBS 24 kg
200 mtrs
15 squats
10 Push ups
5 Pull ups
Scale as required

Monday, 28 September 2009


Monday 28/09/09
"Met Con WOD"
7 Rounds for time
7 Push ups
7 Squats
7 Bench Dips
7 SDHP 32 kg
7 Box Jumps
7 Thrusters 15 kg DBs
7 Alt Leg Lunges
Scale as required

Sunday, 27 September 2009

"Sunday Met Con WOD"

Sunday 27/09/09
"Met Con WOD"
15 Hang Power Snatch
400 mtrs Run/Row/XFT
12 HPS + 3 Overhead Squat
200 mtrs R/R/X
9 HPS + 6 OHS
400 mtrs R/R/X
6 HPS + 9 OHS
200 mtrs R/R/X
3 HPS + 12 OHS
400 mtrs R/R/X
15 OHS
Men 42.5 kg - Ladies 27.5 kg
Scale as required

Saturday, 26 September 2009

"Saturday Met Con WOD"

Saturday 26/09/09
"Met Con WOD"
Rounds in 20 mins
10 S/A DB Snatch(5 R & L)
10 DB Push ups
10 Alt DB Leg Lunge
250 mtrs Run/Row/XFT
Men 15 - 20 kg - Ladies 10 -12.5 kg
Scale as required

Friday, 25 September 2009

"Friday Strength/Met Con WOD"

Friday 25/09/09
"Friday Strength /Met Con WOD"
On the min
3 Power Cleans
Followed by as many Pull ups as you can in the remainder of the min
One min rest
Repeat for 10 rounds
Record the number of Pull ups in each round
Men 70 kg - Ladies 45 kg
Scale as required