Monday, 24 May 2010

"Monday WOD"

Monday 24/05/10
"Monday WOD"
"Partner Chipper"
100/50 WBS 9 kg/5 kg
80/40 Sit ups
60/30 Box Jumps
40/20 BB Thrusters 22.5 kg/17.5 kg
20/10 Burpees
200/100 mtrs KB Farmers Walk 24 kg/16 kg
100/50 Double Unders
80/40 BB Push Press 22.5 kg/17.5 kg
60/30 Lateral Jumps
40/20 Hanging KTE
20/10 Burpees
Only one partner can work at a time. Workload doesn NOT have to be split op evenly, but each exercise must be completed before you can move on to the next.
Going on your own do 50% of the reps.

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