Monday, 31 May 2010

"Monday WOD"

Monday 31/05/10
"Monday WOD"
"The Seven"
5 - 7 Rounds
7 DB Shoulder Press 20 kg/12.5 kg
7 Pull ups
7 Box Jumps 24"/20"
7 Deadlift 60% of 1RM
7 Burpees
7 KBS 24 kg/16 kg
Scale as Required

Sunday, 30 May 2010

"Kev's Sunday Session"

Sunday 30/05/10
"Kev's Sunday Session"
5 Rounds
15 WBS 9kg/5 kg
10 Box Jumps
05 Burpees
250 Skips
Scale as required

Saturday, 29 May 2010

"Saturday WOD"

Saturday 29/05/10
"Saturday WOD"
Pick two from the five bench mark WOD's
21 - 15 - 09
Thrusters 42.5 kg/27.5 kg
Pull ups
3 Rounds
400 mtr Run
21 KBS 24 kg/16 kg
12 Pull ups
30 Power Clean & Push Press 60 kg/40 kg
150 WBS
The Entrance Exam
2000 mtr Row
Scale as required

Friday, 28 May 2010

"Friday WOD"

Friday 28/05/10
"Friday WOD"
"Active Recovery"
3 min AMRAP
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
3 min Active Recovery
3 min AMRAP
10 MB Squat Cleans
15 MB Press
3 min Active Recovery
3 min AMRAP
5 Box Jumps/Steps
10 Sit ups
15 Bench Dips
3 min Active Recovery
3 min AMRAP
10 KBS
15 KB Squat
Scale as required

Thursday, 27 May 2010

"Thursday WOD"

Thursday 27/05/10
"Thursday WOD"
"Blackjack II"
AMRAP in 21 mins
21 Deadlift 60 kg/40 kg
21 MB Sit ups LRC 9 kg/5-7 kg
21 KBS 24 kg/16 kg
Scale as required
This WOD came from CF PSYCHO

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

"Wednesday WOD"

Wednesday 26/05/10
"Wednesday WOD"
"The Nightmare"
200 mtr Run
21 - 15 - 09
Pull ups
KB SDHP 32 kg/20 kg
800 mtr Run
09 - 15 - 21
KB SDHP 32 kg/20 kg
Pull ups
200 mtr Run
Scale as required

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

"Tuesday WOD"

Tuesday 25/05/10
"Tuesday WOD"
5 x 5 Foundation Back Squats
Warm up sets 1 x 10 - 1 x 6 - 1 x 3 - 1 x 1
Inceasing the weight each set up to
the same weight that you intend to start your 1st set of 5
Working sets 5 x 5 @ 80 % of 1RM
"Bonus WOD"
Sit ups
Push ups

Monday, 24 May 2010

"Monday WOD"

Monday 24/05/10
"Monday WOD"
"Partner Chipper"
100/50 WBS 9 kg/5 kg
80/40 Sit ups
60/30 Box Jumps
40/20 BB Thrusters 22.5 kg/17.5 kg
20/10 Burpees
200/100 mtrs KB Farmers Walk 24 kg/16 kg
100/50 Double Unders
80/40 BB Push Press 22.5 kg/17.5 kg
60/30 Lateral Jumps
40/20 Hanging KTE
20/10 Burpees
Only one partner can work at a time. Workload doesn NOT have to be split op evenly, but each exercise must be completed before you can move on to the next.
Going on your own do 50% of the reps.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

"Kev's Sunday Session"

Sunday 23/05/10
"Kev's Sunday Session"
20 Sit ups
1000 mtr Run
30 Power Clean & Push Press/Jerk
1000 mtr Row
20 Sit ups
Men 50 kg - Ladies 30 kg
Scale as required

Saturday, 22 May 2010

"Saturday WOD"

Saturday 22/05/10
"Saturday WOD"
"All The Charm Of A Rattlesnake"
5 Rounds of
15 Pull ups
15 Squats
15 Box Jumps 16"/20"/24"
15 Double Unders/Easy Burpees
15 Push ups
Easy Burpee has no Push up element
Scale as required

Friday, 21 May 2010

"Friday WOD"

Friday 21/05/10
"Friday WOD"
"G P P - General Physical Preparedness"
BB Bear Complex
AMRAP in 20 mins
5 Deadlift
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Press
5 Back Squats
Men 32.5 kg - Ladies 22.5 kg
Scale as required

Thursday, 20 May 2010

"Thursday WOD"

Thursday 20/05/10
"Thursday WOD"

Deadlift 100kg/65 kg
DB/KB Thruster 15 kg/10 kg

5 - 10 min rest
5 x 100 mtr Sprints walk back recovery
5 -10 x 125 mtr Rows 30 sec recovery
Scale as required

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

"Wednesday WOD"

Wednesday 19/05/10
"Wednesday WOD"
"War Of Attrition"
1000 mtr Run
3 Rounds of
10 Pull ups
10 push ups
750 mtr Row & Run
3 Rounds of
10 KBS 24 kg/16 kg
10 DB Push Press
500 mtr Row & Run
3 Rounds of
10 KTE
10 Squats
250 mtr Row & Run
Scale as required

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

"Tuesday WOD"

Tuesday 18/05/10
"Tuesday WOD"
"Shoulder Press Build"
Warm up sets: 1 x 10 - 1 x 6 - 1 x 3 - 1 x 1
Increase weight with each set
Working sets: 5 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1
Start set of 5 with the same weight as used on your last warm up set
Increase weight with each set
record the weight used in each set
Follow with a
5 k Run or Row
10 k Run or Row
2 K Row Time trial

Sunday, 16 May 2010

"Sunday & Monday WOD"

Sunday & Monday 16th & 17th/05/10
"Sunday & Monday WOD"
"It Came From The European Regionals"
Run 400 mtrs
3 Rounds of
35 Double Unders/100 Singles/35 Box Jumps
15 Power Clean & Push Press/Jerk 60 kg/40 kg
Run 400 mtrs
Scale as required

Saturday, 15 May 2010

"Saturday WOD"

Saturday 15/05/10
4 Rounds for time
400 mtrs
21 KBS 24 kg/16 kg
21 MB Rotations
21 Pull ups
Scale as required

Friday, 14 May 2010

"Friday WOD"

Friday 14/05/10
"Friday WOD"
4 Rounds for time of
3 Laps of Cindy
5 Pull ups - 10 Push ups - 15 Squats
10 Open Handed Deadlift @ 65% of 1RM
Scale as required

Thursday, 13 May 2010

"Thursday WOD"

Thursday 13/05/10
"Thursday WOD"
"It Came From Iceland"
5 Rounds
Run 400 mtrs
15 Power Clean 60 kg/40 kg
Scale as required

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

" Wednesday WOD's"

Wednesday 12/05/10
"Wednesday WOD's"
"Tea For Two"
In teams of two complete the following twice
Row(cal) - 21 - 18 - 15
MB Sq Cl & Pr - 21 - 18 - 15
Bench Hops - 21 - 18 - 15
Press ups - 21 - 18 - 15
DB Push Press - 21 - 18 - 15
Each team member should alternate each exercise
If done as a single, complete one lap
Scale DB's and MB as required
"Helen V's Cindy"
3 Rounds
400 mtr Run or 50 Step ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
21 KBS 24 kg/16 kg
12 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
Scale as required

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

"Tuesday WOD"

Tuesday 11/05/10
"Tuesday WOD"
"Mr Joshua Variation 1"
5 Rounds
400 mtr Row or Run
30 Alt V Sits
15 Deadlift 115 kg/75 kg
Scale to 60% of 1RM

Monday, 10 May 2010

"Monday WOD"

Monday 10/05/10
"Monday WOD"
"The Camel Variation 1"
05 Pull ups
10 Sit ups
15 BB Push Press
20 Squats
200 mtrs
Men 40 kg - Ladies 30 kg
Scale as required

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

"Wednesday WOD"

Wednesday 05/05/10
"Wednesday WOD"
Pull ups -- 21 - 18 - 15 - 12
Push ups - 21 - 18 - 15 - 12
Squats --- 50 - 40 - 30 - 20
Alt V Sits - 42 - 36 - 30 - 24
Scale as reqauired

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

"Tuesday WOD"

Tuesday 04/05/10
"Tuesday WOD"
R/R/X - 500 - 750 - 1000 - 750 - 500
Power Clean - 21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 09
DB Push Press - 09 - 12 - 15 - 18 - 21
Men 40 kg/17.5 kg
Ladies 25 kg/10 kg
Scale as required

Monday, 3 May 2010

"Monday WOD"

Monday 03/05/10
"Monday WOD"
"Monday Monster"
10 Power Snatch 45 kg/30 kg
20 CTB Pull ups
30 pole Jumps 24"/20"
40 Power Clean & Push Press 45 kg/30 kg
30 Pole Jumps 24"/20"
20 CTB Pull ups
10 Power Snatch 45 kg/30 kg
Scale as required

Sunday, 2 May 2010

"Kev's Sunday Session"

Sunday 02/05/10
"Kev's Sunday Session"
"It's All Jillian's Fault"
3 Rounds for time
Up & Down Walking Lunges
50 Squats
Up & Down Standing Long Jump
25 Back Extensions