Monday 15/03/10
"Monday WOD's"
7.30am - 4.00pm Classes
"Beware Of The Ides"
800 mtrs
21 BB Thrusters 42.5 kg/30 kg
21 Pull ups
600 mtrs
15 BB Thrusters
15 Pull ups
400 mtrs
09 BB Thrusters
09 Pull ups
200 mtrs
Scale as required
5.30pm - 8.00pm Classes
" Beware Of The Ides Of Fream"
Team WOD
In teams of two alternating each exercise
400 mtrs
21 BB thrusters
21 Pull ups
300 mtrs
15 BB Thrusters
15 Pull ups
100 mtrs
09 BB Thrusters
09 Pull ups
The team has to complete two rounds
Men 42.5 kg - Ladies 30 kg
Scale as required
3 laps of
8 Push ups
10 M B squat Cleans 9kg/5 kg
15 W B S or DB Thrusters 9 kg/6 kg
Followed by
30 Box Steps holding the M B
Complete this for up to 3 Rounds
Scale as required