Saturday, 31 January 2009

"Return of The saturday 7"

Saturday 31/1/09
"Return Of The Saturday 7"
7 Pull ups
7 Lunges
7 Sit ups
7 Push ups
7 Shoulder press
7 Double unders
7 Rounds for time
The 3 visit challenge Introduced
Complete 90 hanging KTE's over the next 3 visits
A new challenge will be given each week

Friday, 30 January 2009

"Jump Rope Master Class"

Friday 30/1/09
"Jump Rope Master Class"
On Friday night Boxer and Jump rope legend Sammy Hill, held a Master class. Fun was had by all, and it seemed that every body showed great improvement in thier Jumprope skills, especially double unders.
The session ended with a mini Jump rope WOD
25 Double unders
25 Sit ups
Rounds in 10 mins.
When the Master was finished everyone felt it would be beneficial to have Sammy back next month to do a follow up class.
This will go ahead at the end of February.

"Friday Frenzy"

Friday 30/1/09
"Friday Frenzy"
1500 mtr Row/XFT
21 SA DB Snatch L
7 Push ups
21 SA DB Snatch R
7 Push ups
15 SA DB Snatch L
7 Push ups
15 SA DB Snatch R
7 Push ups
9 SA DB Snatch L
7 Push ups
9 SA DB Snatch
7 Push Ups
1500 mtr Row/XFT
For time

Thursday, 29 January 2009

"Thursday Wod"

Thursday 29/1/09
"Thursday Wod"
7 BB Shoulder Press
21 Back Extension
15 Pull ups
Rounds in 20 mins
Try and increase weght in each round

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

"Barbara Variation"

Wednesday 28/1/09
"Barbara Variation"
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
30 Push ups
40 Sit ups
50 Squats
5 Rounds for time
3 mins rest between rounds
Scale reps as required

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

"Hot Mama Cleans"

Tuesday 21/1/09
"Hot Mama Cleans"
12 Med Ball Hang Squat Cleans
7 Pull ups
Rounds in 20 mins
Scale Med ball as required

Monday, 26 January 2009


Monday 26/1/09
40 Reps of each
Box Jumps 20"
Jumping Pull ups
Alt Leg lunges
Push Press
Back Extensions
Sit ups
Double unders
Scale weight & reps as required
Sub single skips x 5 for DUs or Row for calories

Sunday, 25 January 2009

"Christine" Variation I

Saturday & Sunday 24th & 25/1/09
"Christine" Variation I
Rounds in 20 mins
500 mtr Row/Run/XFT
12 Deadlift (50% of 1 RM)
21 Box Jumps/Steps 20"
Scale as required

Friday, 23 January 2009

"KBS - KBS and more KBS"

Friday 23/1/09
"KBS - KBS and more KBS"
800 mtr Row
20 KBS
600 mtr Row
30 KBS
400 Mtr Row
40 KBS
200 mtr Row
50 KBS
For time
Scale KB's as required

Thursday, 22 January 2009

"The FairFax Special"

Thursday 22/1/09

"The Fairfax Special"
For Time
Hang Power Clean
42.5 kg
Scale weight and reps as required

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

"9 - 9 - 9"

Wednesday 21/1/09
"9 - 9 - 9"
333 mtr Row/XFT
Dips -------DB BP
8-------- 1
7 --------2
6-------- 3
5------- -4
4-------- 5
3 --------6
2 --------7
1 --------8
333 mtr Row/XFT
Dips --------DB BP
1-------- 8
2 --------7
3-------- 6
4-------- 5
5 --------4
6-------- 3
7 --------2
8 --------1
333 mtr Row/XFT
Scale weight as required

Tuesday, 20 January 2009


Tuesday 20/1/09
5 pull ups - 10 Push ups - 15 Squats
400 mtr Row
21 KBS - 12 Pull ups
75 WBS
12 Pull ups - 21 KBS
400 mtr Row
15 Squats - 10 - Push ups - 5 Pull ups
For time
Scale weight and reps as required

Monday, 19 January 2009

"Monday Madness"

Monday 19/1/09
"Monday Madness"
500 mtr Row/XFT
25 Pull ups
1000 mtr Row/XFT
25 Pull ups
500 mtr Row/XFT
Scale weight/reps/distance as required

Sunday, 18 January 2009

"Sunday Session"

Sunday 18/1/09
"Sunday Session"
4 min Row - 1 min rest - 4 min XFT - 1 min rest - 4 min Box step
90 seconds rest
3 min Row - 1 min rest - 3 min XFT - 1 min rest - 3 min box step
90 seconds rest
2 min Row - 1 min rest - 2 min XFT - 1 Min rest - 2 min box step
90 seconds rest
1 min Row - 1 min rest - 1 min XFT - 1 min rest - 1 min box step
Record distance covered in each working split(box steps x 10)
Add it up to get a total

Saturday, 17 January 2009

"Time Flies"

Saturday 17/1/09
"Time Flies"
1500 mtr Row/XFT
5 Rounds of
20 WBS
20 Box Jump/Step
20 Calories Row/XFT
20 Push Press
1500 mtr Row/XFT
Scale weight/box height as required

Friday, 16 January 2009

"AH Well At Least It's Not Legs"

Friday 16/1/09

"Ah Well At Least It's Not Legs"

5 Shouilder Press
10 Push Press
15 Push Jerk

5 Rounds for time

Thursday, 15 January 2009

"Row & Squat Combo"

Thursday 15/1/09
"Row & Squat Combo"
For time
Row 400 mtr
25 Back Squats
Row 400 mtr
20 Back Squat
Row 400 mtr
15 Back Squat
Row 400 mtr
10 Back Squat
RX'D Men 60 kg Ladies 30 kg

Wednesday, 14 January 2009


Wednesday 14/1/09
12 Rounds one min on - one min off
1) DB Hang Power Clean and Push Press + Squats
2) KBS + Sit ups (
3) DB Push Press + Leg Lunge
4) Box Jumps
5) DB Thrusters + Reverse Sit ups
6) Push ups + Squats
7) KBS + Thrusters
8) SA DB Clean & Press R & L
9) SDHP + Leg Lunge
10) Box Jumps
11) SDHP + KBS + Squats
12) Plank
Scale weight and box height as required

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

"Neil's Choice - Revisited" 1/5/08 & 23/6/08

Tuesday 13/1/09
"Neil's Choice - Revisited" 1/5/08 & 23/6/08
10 BB Thrusters
10 Pull ups
Rounds in 20 mins
RX'D 30 kg men ladies 20 kg
Super heavy version 42.5 kg
Scale as required

Monday, 12 January 2009

"Sunday-Monday WOD"

Sunday 11th & Monday 12/10/09
"Sunday-Monday WOD"
250 mtr Row
25 Sit ups
15 BB Sh/Press
Rounds in 20 mins
Scale reps as required
Sit ups 20------15
BB SH 15-------10

Saturday, 10 January 2009

"Neil's New Years Day Workout"

Saturday 10/1/09
"Neil's New years Day Workout"
2 Rounds DB Bear Complex
(5 - DL : 5 - HPC : 5 - SQ : 5 - PP)
20 Burpee Pull ups
100 Squats + 100 Sit ups
2000 mtr Row
100 Squats + 100 Sit ups
20 Burpee Pull ups
2 Rounds DB Bear Complex
Scale reps and row as required

Friday, 9 January 2009

"Friday Funtime In 2o Mins"

Friday 9/1/09
"Friday Funtime In 20 Mins"
400 mtr Row/XFT/Box Step(50 Reps)
15 WBS x 9 kg
10 Pull ups
Rounds in 20 mins
Scale weight as required

Thursday, 8 January 2009

"The Keys To Success"

Thursday 8/1/09
"The Keys To Success"
For Time
800 mtr Row
30 OHS
30 Box Jumps
800 mtr Row
20 OHS
20 Box Jumps
800 mtr Row
10 OHS
10 Box Jumps
RX'D 42.5 kg & 24 "Box
Scale weight & box height as required

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

"5 x 5 Deadlift"

Wednesday 7/1/09
"5 x 5 Deadlift"
Warm up sets
1 x 10 - 1 x 8 - 1 x 5 - 1 x 2
(2 reps should be at intended working weight)
Working sets
5 x 5 x 80% of your 1 RM (1 Rep Max)

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

"Ah Gee Thanks Freddie C"

Tuesday 6/1/09
"Ah Gee Thanks Freddie C"
For Time
21 -15 - 09
KBS & DB Push Press
1000 mtr Row
KBS & DB Push Press
Scale weight as required
This Wod was inspired by
Freddie C of CF One World
Union City California

Monday, 5 January 2009


Monday 5/1/09
Compare to 22/4/08
10 Power Clean & Push Press or Push Jerk
5 Rounds of Cindy (5 Pull ups - 10 Push ups - 15 Squats)
10 Power Clean & Push Press or Push Jerk
5 Rounds of Cindy (5 Pull ups - 10 Push ups - Squats)
10 Power Clean & Push Press or Push Jerk
For time

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Team Time

W.O.D. Sunday 4th January
"Team Time"

In teams of five members complete the following:

375 WBS
300 Row (cal)
225 KBS
150 Pull-ups
75 Push-ups
Only one member can do any one discipline at a time, ie
every member of the team should always be working but on a different exercise.
Each member must share the load by doing part of each exercise.
Teams should work out the best approach for their team.

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Welcome Back

W.O.D. Sat 3rd January '09
"Welcome Back"

Row/Run/Crosstrain 1000m
RorRorX 800m ~ RorRorX 200m
15 KBS
RorRorX 600m ~ RorRorX 400m
15 WBS
RorRorX 400m ~ RorRorX 600m
15 Pull-ups
RorRorX 200m ~ RorRorX 800m
15 Box Jumps
Row/Run/Crosstrain 1000m

Great weather for a run ~ get out there and
blow the festive cobwebs away.

Friday, 2 January 2009

"2nd Day of the Year Workout"

Friday 02/01/09
2nd Day of the Year workout"
3 Rounds for time
50 Wall Ball Shots x 9 kg
40 Double Unders
30 Kettlebell Swings x 24 kg
20 Push ups
10 Pull ups
Workout courtesy of Crossfit Santa Cruz Central

Thursday, 1 January 2009

"Neil's New Years Day Workout"

Thursday 1/01/09
"Neil's New Years Day Workout"
For time
2 x DB Bear complex
20 Burpee Pull ups
200 Squats
2000 mtr Row
200 Squats
20 Burpee Pull ups
2 x DB Bear complex
DB Bear Complex
5 Deadlift - 5 Hang power Clean - 5 Squats - 5 Push press
15 kg DBs
Workout courtesy of Crossfit Santa Cruz Central
Happy New Year Everybody