Friday, 7 January 2011

" Friday Frolic"

Friday 07/01/11
60 sec Work - 60 sec Rest
1) Pulldowns 12/8
2) Box Step 16"
3) KBS 24/16
4) Sit ups
5) KB SDHP 24/16
6) Air Squats
7) Pull ups
8) WBS 9/5
9) XFT(cal)
10) DB Push Press 15/10
11) The Plank
12) Push ups
13) Row(cal)
14) The Chair
15) Alt Leg lunges
16) Waiter Hold
Record your reps/cal
Total up to get a score
For the Chair, the Plank and Waiter hold score 60
Deduct 10 every time you have to touch down
Scale as required

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