Wednesday, 29 February 2012

"Wicked Wednesday"

Wednesday 29/02/12

3 x 20 Secs Cycle(Hard) 30 secs rest


AMRAP 6 (Thrusters 42.5/30 kg)
3 Thrusters 3 CTB Pull ups
6 Thrusters 6 CTB Pull ups
9 Thursters 9 CTB Pull ups

Record completed rounds + reps


5 Rounds For Time
12 Push ups
12 Sit ups
12 Squats
100 m Sprint Shuttle Runs

Sacle as required
Programming by Ronnie

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

"Terrific Tuesday"

Tuesday 28/02/12

5 x 3 Reps Deadlift Build
Try and increase weight Set


3 Rounds For Time
300 m Row
20 WBS 9/7/5 kg
10 Pull ups

Scale as required
Programming by Neil

Monday, 27 February 2012

"Monday Madness"

Monday 27/02/12


Row/XFT - 500 - 750 - 1000 - 750 - 500
KBS 24/16 - 21 --- 18 --- 15 --- 12 --- 09
DB P/Press 09 --- 12 --- 15 --- 18 --- 21
DP PP 20/12.5

Scale as Required
Programming by Ronnie

Saturday, 25 February 2012

"Saturday Slaughter"

Saturday 25/02/12


10 pull ups
15 Deadlift 60/40 kg
20 Bar Jumps
25 Sit ups
300 m

Scale as required

On Ramp WOD

AMRAP 15 - 20

5 Pullups
10 Deadlift
15 Bar Jumps
20 Sit ups
250 m

Scale as required
Programming by Neil

Friday, 24 February 2012

"Friday Frolic"

Friday 24/02/12

"Friday Filthy Fifty"

50 Reps Of Each
Box Jumps 24"20"16"
Jumping Pull ups
KBS 16/12 kg
Alt Leg Lunges
Knees To Elbows
Push Press 20/15 kg
Back Extensions
WBS 9/7/5 kg
DU'S/150 Singles

Sacle as required
Programming by Neil

Thursday, 23 February 2012

"Thursday Thumper"

Thursday 23/02/12


3 Rounds For Time
400 m(900 cycle L15/L10)
21 KBS 24/16
12 Pull ups

Scale as required
Programming By Ronnie

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

"Wicked Wednesday"

Wednesday 22/02/12

5 x 3 Reps Shoulder Press
Try and increase weight each set


3 Rounds For Time
6 Man Killers R & L 15/10 kg
12 Deadlift 110/80 kg
400 m(900m)

Scale as required

On Ramp WOD

3 - 4 Rounds For Time
200 m(500m)
15 MB Sit ups LRC 7/5/3 kg
15 Prisoner Squats
200 m(500m)
15 KB P/Clean R 12 kg
15 KB P/Clean L 12 kg

Scale as required
Programming by Neil

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

"Terrific Tuesday"

Tuesday 21/02/12

"Bloody Nig"

SDHP 70/50 kg
Bar Rows
DU's x 5 - Singles x 10

DU's 50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-05
Singles 100-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10

Scale as required
Programming by Ronnie

Monday, 20 February 2012

"Monday Madness"

Monday 20/02/12


250 m
05 Burpees
10 Push ups
15 Sit ups
20 Squats

Scale as required
Programming by Neil

Sunday, 19 February 2012

"Kev's Sunday Session"

Sunday 19/02/12

3 Rounds for time

22 KBS 24/16 kg
22 Box jumps
400 m row
22 Burpees
22 WBS 9/7/5 kg

Scale as required
Programming by Kevin

Saturday, 18 February 2012



10 x 10m Shuttle Sprints
10 Single Arm Clean & Press (24/16)
10 Alternating Leg Lunges
10 Pull-ups
10 Single Arm Clean & Press (24/16)

Rounds in 20 minutes

Friday, 17 February 2012

"Friday Frolic"

Friday 17/02/12

"4th Anniversary WOD"

Team WOD - In pairs alternating each exercise
Complete 2 Rounds of the Following

21 - 18 - 15
Cal Row
DB Box Step 19" 15/10 kg
MB Sit ups 9/7/5 kg
DB Push Press 15 kg
Bench Hops (each side) 18"

On completion of the second round carry your partner to the end of the gym
Then swap round and your partner carries you back

Scale as required
Programming By Ronnie

Thursday, 16 February 2012

"Thursday Thumper"

Thursday 16/02/12

Complete the following for time

800(1800) m
21 SDHP 45/32.5 kg
30 DU's/90 Singles
09 Push Press 45/32.5 kg
600(1400) m
18 SDHP 45/32.5 kg
30 DU's/90 Singles
12 Push press 45/32.5 kg
400(900) m
15 SDHP 45/32.5 kg
30 DU's/90 Singles
15 Push Press 45/32.5 kg

Scale as required
Programming by Neil

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

"Line Em Up"

Wednesday 15 /02/12

"Line Em Up"

300 KBS 24/16 kg
3000 M

Do as many KBS as you can followed by the same distance in m x 10
IE 29 KBS = 290 m
Keep going until 300 KBS and 3000 m have been completed

Scale as required
Programming by Ronnie

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

"Tuesday WOD"

Tuesday 14/02/12

"The St Valentines Day Massacre"

5 x 3 Reps Front Squat

5 Rounds For Time of
5 Squat Clean Thruster 60/42.5 kg
10 Burpees

Scale as required
Programming by Neil

Monday, 13 February 2012


Monday 13/02/12

1 x Cindy
1 x Cindy + 20 BJ
1 x Cindy + 20 BJ + 25 KBS
1 x Cindy + 20 BJ + 25 KBS + 30 DU's/90 S's
Complete 500 m

Go back to the beginning and start again
Keep going until the 20 mins is up

BJ 24"20"16"
KBS 24/16 kg

Scale as required
Programming by Ronnie

Sunday, 12 February 2012

"Kev's Sunday Session"

Sunday 12/02/12

"Killer Kettlebell Kombo - The KKK"

21 - 15 - 09
Russian KBS 24/16
SDHP 24/16
SA Snatch R& L 20/12
American KBS 24/16
SA Thruster 20/12

Scale as required
Programming by Kevin

Saturday, 11 February 2012

"Saturday Slaughter"

Saturday 11/02/12

Row/XFT - 400 - 600 - 800 - 600 - 400
KBS -------- 24 --- 18 --- 12 --- 18 --- 24
MB Sit ups - 12 --- 18 --- 24 --- 18 --- 12
Scale as required
Programming by Neil

Friday, 10 February 2012

"Friday Fun Day Without The Fun"

Friday 10/02/12

"Cruel and Barbaric"

5 Rounds For Time
600 m/1500 cycle
15 Squat Clean Thrusters 42.5/30 kg

Scale as required
Programming by Neil

Thursday, 9 February 2012

"thusrday Thumper"

Thursday 09/02/12

"Full Fat"

400 m
10 Reps of
1 Deadlift
1 Hang power Clean
1 Push Press/Jerk
400 m
8 Reps
400 m
6 Reps
400 m
4 Reps
400 m
2 reps

Men 70 kg - ladies 45 kg

Scale as required
Programming by Ronnie

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

"Wicked Wednesday"

Wednesday 08/02/12

"Motivation is the fuel, necessary to keep the human engine running"

1000 m Row/XFT buy in
10 HSPU/Handstand to floor push up/15 HR Push ups
15 WBS 9/7/5 kg
20 KBS 24/16 kg
25 Deadlift 80/55 kg
50 DU's/150 Singles
25 Deadlift 80/55 kg
20 KBS 24/16 kg
15 WBS 9/7/5 kg
10 HSPU/Handstand to floor push up/15 HR Push ups
1000 m Row XFT buy out

Scale as required
Programming by Neil

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

"Terrific Tuesday"

Tuesday 07/02/12

4 Rounds with 1 min rest between rounds

500 m Row
10 DB bench Press 20/12.5 kg
500 m Cycle L 15/10
10 Goblet Squats
30 Box Steps 16"
30 KBS 24/16 kg

Record total time inc rests
Scale as required
Programming by Ronnie

Monday, 6 February 2012

"Monday Madness"

Monday 06/02/12

"Attitude, not Aptitude, determines your Alititude"


400 m (each Round)
21 - 15 - 09
OHS 42.5/30 kg
Pull ups

On Ramp WOD

1000 m Cycle L 10/6
21 - 15 - 09
Prisoner squats
Pull ups
MB Sit ups LRC

Scale as required
Programming by Neil

Sunday, 5 February 2012

"Kev's Sunday Session"

Sunday 05/02/12

First Round 1 rep of each
Second Round 2 reps of each
Third Round 3 reps of each
Etc, etc
Sit ups

Scale as required
Programming by Kevin

Saturday, 4 February 2012

"Saturday Slaughter"

Saturday 04/02/12



1000 m


09 - 15 - 21 - 15 - 09
MB Cleans 9/7/5 kg
KB SDHP 24/16 kg
Box Jumps 24"20"16"


800 m

Scale as required
Programming by Ronnie

Friday, 3 February 2012

"Friday Frolic"

Friday 03/02/12

"Team Friday"

In teams of two with only one working at a time
Complete all the reps each before moving on to next exercise

8 Gym Up & Dn's
70 Sit ups
60 Leg Lunges
50 KBS 24/16 kg
4 Up & Dn's
30 WBS 9/7/5 kg
20 Pull ups
10 Burpees

Scale as required
Programming by Ronnie

Thursday, 2 February 2012

"Thursday Thumper"

Thursday 02/02/12

Option 1

5000 m Row

Option 2

3 x 500 m Rows 3 min recovery
3 - 5 RFT of WOD

Option 3

5 x 3 Reps of Power Clean
3 - 5 RFT of WOD

Option 4

5 x 500 m Rows 3 mins recovery


3 - 5 RFT
200 m
5 Deadlift
5 HP Clean
5 Front Squat
5 Push Press
5 Back Squat

60/40 kg

Scale as reqiured
Programming by Neil

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

"Wicked Wednesday"

Wednesday 01/02/12

"Flochart Fitness"

Option 1

In 6 mins complete
600 m +
10 WBS
10 Sit ups

2 mins rest

In 6 mins complete
600 m +
10 KBS
10 Alt leg lunge

2 mins rest

In 6 mins complete
600 m+
10 Push ups
10 Squats

Option 2

In 6 mins complete
600 m +
SDHP 40/27.5 kg

2 mins rest

In 6 mins complete
600 m +
Hang power Cleans 40/27.5 kg

2 mins rest

In 6 mins complete
600 m +
Back Squats 40/27.5 kg

Scale as required
Programming by Ronnie