Neil, Ron & Stevie are just back form CrossFit Manchester were they attended Level 1 & 2 CrossFit Cetifications. Great journey down and back and they lived it up in the abject luxury of a Travelodge. A fascinating weekend was had with a great insight into the history and future of CrossFit. They enjoyed three long sessions of Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit explaining its growth from conception through to present day along with his personal views on CrossFit.
"Coach's" passion really has to be seen and heard to be believed. He is very much a man motivated by his belief in his style of training and the benefits it can bring. For those new to CrossFit visit the CrossFit website and search out videos of Greg Glassman - it will help your understanding of what we are doing at BasixGym.
Whilst away Steph Campbell and Barry Ross loked after the gym. A big thank you from both of us for this assistance. Great to see the troops rallying round to give the rest of our members a work out.
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