W.O.W. Sat & Sun 23rd/24th Aug
"A lot of BS"
Round 1
Row 100m
10 Wall BS
Run 100m
15 Kettle BS
Row 100m
20 BS (box steps)
Round 2
Row 150m
15 Wall BS
Run 150m
20 Kettle BS
Row 150m
10 BS (box steps)
Round 3
Row 200m
20 Wall BS
Run 200m
10 Kettle BS
Row 200m
15 BS (box steps)
Round 4
Row 250m
15 Wall BS
Run 250m
15 Kettle BS
Row 250m
15 BS (box steps)
"A lot of BS"
Round 1
Row 100m
10 Wall BS
Run 100m
15 Kettle BS
Row 100m
20 BS (box steps)
Round 2
Row 150m
15 Wall BS
Run 150m
20 Kettle BS
Row 150m
10 BS (box steps)
Round 3
Row 200m
20 Wall BS
Run 200m
10 Kettle BS
Row 200m
15 BS (box steps)
Round 4
Row 250m
15 Wall BS
Run 250m
15 Kettle BS
Row 250m
15 BS (box steps)

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